About me

Hi, I’m Arinia Franklin. I was born in Ipswich, England and I am currently taking residence in Las Vegas, US, where I work as an editor and reviewer. From a young age, you’d find my head in the book in almost all the free time I had. My parents found it difficult to pull me away for lunch and dinner times. I read anything and everything that I could get my hands on but mainly enjoyed fiction as a child. I love the experience of immersing myself in this imaginary world full of people and events. My passion for books has always stayed with me and I’m a fan of all book genres and topics. I think you can learn something from every book and I’m always open to reading things that I wouldn’t usually choose myself. I gain so much spiritual enrichment through reading as well as expanding my knowledge continuously.

I’ve created this blog so I can share some of my favourite books on various topics. So, if you’re a bookworm like me, I hope you’ll come away with a list of books that you want to read next. Happy Reading! 🙂

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